Portrait Ton van Os - Paris 2018
Poster exhibition | Design: Studio Wouke Boog
Ton van Os & Helene Schmitt (violin)
Posters concerts
Sylvain Chen, initiator and violin player at L’ Atelier Sensible
During the entire month of May 2018, in the empty Haussmanian building in heart of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, located at 5 rue Boilly, l’Atelier du Sensible invites contemporary Dutch artist Ton van Os for a residency accompanied by a series of concerts, both early and contemporary.
Just across from the Marmottan museum is a Haussmanian building, which will be opening its doors for this exhibition, transformed for the occasion into a laboratory of painting and music. Every weekend musicians from the world over will blend their music with the mystical paintings by Dutch artist Ton van Os.
This residency wishes to create a synesthetic experience that surpasses both abstract art and early music in order to explore the cultural and artistic model of tomorrow. This exposition is part of d’Oh! Pays-Bas: Dutch cultural season in France 2017-2018.
Venez aux confins du silence, 5 Rue Louis Boilly, Paris, 2018
Posters concerts | Design: Studio Wouke Boog
Poster concerts | Design: Studio Wouke Boog
Project team